Critical discussions of mass media by the participants of Multimedia Practicum (Critical Studies Section) at Florida Atlantic University.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The 16 year old that "knows" love

Individuals enjoy music. Regardless of the genre, music is meant to be enjoyed. Music may be parody, satire, or horrible, either way, the purpose of music is meant to be liked. Popular music is usually the music that is at the top of most music charts. Pop music is different from rock, R&B, and rap because if those genres are popular on music charts they will be considered pop music. For this blog I will explain why Pop music, more so Justin Bieber, is camp.
Justin Bieber is currently a well know pop singer. The kid has an over grown bowl hair cut and is usually dressed with tight jeans, sneakers, a solid colored T-shirt and jacket, the “skater look.” Justin is 16 years old singing about love and heart ache without the deep understanding of the emotions that have girls flocking to him. Yet, this kid is respected, interviewed, and promoted by older. It’s a joke.
A song titled “Baby”-
For you, I would have done whatever
And I just cant believe we ain't together
And I wanna play it cool, But I'm losin' you
I'll buy you anything, I'll buy you any ring
And I'm in pieces, Baby fix me
and just shake me til' you wake me from this bad dream

I'm going down, down, down, down~
And I just can't believe , my first love won't be around
The lyrics are camp because the child does not have the life lived experience to understand the words he is really singing about. The intention of the kid is not to come across as a joke but listening to his music from an adult perspective has life experience. The significance and understanding of love I had at his age was completely juvenile. More so I think it is hilarious that adults gave him permission to sign such songs.
The argument can be made that Justin a puppet in a bigger scheme for record execs to cash in on the “cute kid with the great voice.” However, the kid sounds immature, as though the pre-pubescent child could easily be mistaken for a girl. His vocal strength is nothing comparable to a young Michael Jackson or Justin Timberlake. Needless to say, the kid has sold out concerts.
His music is continually played on radio stations. His songs seem to me everlasting, despite if I change the station; it’s him on radio station. In all his songs there is an over emphasis on this boy being in love. Its exaggerated how seriously this kid is in love. The innocence of the child and the serious meaning he is trying to relate to it makes his music camp. The child is not trying to do anything outlandish or humorous; however, to an adult the kid is rather comical.

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